frequently asked questions

Residential Listings FAQ

Where are the location of the Projects?
What is your minimum lease?
What are the furniture and fittings provided in the unit?
Is there a car park allocation for each unit?
Are pets allowed inside the properties?
Where are the location of the Projects?
What is the Tenure of the Projects?
How many bedrooms?
What are your terms of payment?
  • Normal Payment Scheme
    Option Fee 1% of Purchase Price
    Exercise Option 4% of Purchase Price within 2 weeks from Option Date
    Completion 95% of Purchase Price to be paid 8 weeks from date of Exercise of Option
  • Enhance Deferred Payment Scheme
    Option Fee 30% of Purchase Price with payment manner below:
    1%      down payment      
    9%      2 weeks after    
    20%   8 weeks after Exercise Option $0, within 2 years from Option Date Completion
    70% of Purchase Price to be paid 8 weeks from date of Exercise of Option

What are the furniture and fittings provided in the unit?
Is there a car park allocation for each unit?
What are the Facilities of the Developments?
Is Pet Allowed to your development?

Industrial Listings FAQ

Tuas Listing
Where is the location of the Tuas Warehouse?
What is the Tenure of the Property?
When is the TOP?
What are the sizes and availability?
What are the warehouse specs?
What are the other fees payable by tenant for leasing?
What are JTC IGLS Factory Requirements Restrictions?
  • Manufacturing and storage of antibiotics
  • Pre-casting yards including storage of pre-cast materials and products
  • Secondary factory-converted dormitory
  • Open hot works
  • Activities that generate toxic waste or smoke, detectable scents or odors
  • Open storage and other activities that will generate pollution and dust
  • Concrete batching plants
Jurong Listing
Where is the location of the warehouse?
What is the sizes availability?
What are the Criteria of the Warehouse?
What are the warehouse specs?

Virtual Viewing FAQ

What does Virtual Viewing mean?
How does the Virtual Viewing work?
When is the Virtual Viewing conducted?
Who are the people joining the Virtual Viewing?
Do you provide material after viewing?

Agent Virtual Briefing FAQ

What does Agent Virtual Briefing mean?
How does it work?
When is itconducted?
With Whom?
Do you provide material after briefing?

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